Encoded Therapeutics Dinner

Tue, Aug 23, 2022
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

14 guests expected


2 Documents shared
34 Comments available

Event Managers

Recent Activity

  • Credit card charge of $1,222.15 succeeded.
    about 2 years ago by Nora Conroy

  • A payment of $1,222.15 was received.
    about 2 years ago by Nora Conroy

  • Credit card charge of $933.65 succeeded.
    about 2 years ago by Nora Conroy

  • A payment of $933.65 was received.
    about 2 years ago by Nora Conroy

  • Document BEO, Terms, CC Auth was signed by Nicholaus Williams from event Encoded Therapeutics Dinner
    about 2 years ago by You

General Discussion

  • VC
    Velvet Conley

    Hello Holly, 

    I hope all has been well! We miss you here at La Mar and I’d love to officially invite you back for your next event in 2024!

    Please find our Events Packets attached for La Mar. Just as a refresher, please also find a virtual tour of our venue here: Events Tour.  As the next couple of months approach and spaces are beginning to fill up quickly, please feel free inquire with me directly about any upcoming event needs.

    We’d love to see you all again sometime soon!


    Velvet Conley
    Associate Director of Sales 
    email: velvet@lamarcebicheria.com

    La Mar
    Pier 1 1/2 The Embarcadero.
    San Francisco, CA 94111

    Phone: 415-397-8885 

    Tanta uses TripleSeat Discussions for communication. Please do not alter or change the email address. All replies will go directly to the Acurio Events Department. 

Payment Discussion (amt: $933.65)

Amount Due Status Method
Grand Total $2,155.80        
-$933.65   Paid Credit Card Deposit amount
-$1,222.15   Paid Credit Card Balance
Total Outstanding $0.00        
There is 1 card on file for your account.
Authorize a Card
for Hold or Future Payment
Authorize a Bank Account
for Hold or Future Payment